Plenary speakers

Professor of Psycholinguistics, Chair of Lund University Humanities Lab and of Huminfra.
Research group: Language Acquisition, Multilingualism, and Teaching (LAMINATE).
Her research targets adult second language (L2) and bilingual acquisition and processing, and also gesture production and comprehension in acquisition, drawing on multiple methods ranging from speech and gesture analysis to behavioural and neurocognitive techniques. She is President of the International Society for Gesture Studies.

Full Professor of English at the University of Santiago de Compostela. He has been Director of the USC Modern Language Centre from 2006 to 2010 and Secretary of AEDEAN (Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies) from 2003 to 2009.
Research group: Applied Linguistics to English Teaching and Learning, Translation, and Text Design. Project (PID2021-122267NB-I00). English in Social Media. Theoretical and practical applications (ESM). Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.
He is the principal researcher of the SPERTUS group (Spoken English Research Team at the University of Santiago). His research interests focus on the acquisition and teaching of English, youth language, multicultural English in London, and computer-mediated communication. He has participated in compiling two learner corpora, SULEC (Santiago University Learner English Corpus) and CAES (Corpus of Spanish Learners). He is also the Director of the electronic dictionary DICENLEN (Dictionary of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning). He has published numerous works in specialized journals and has supervised a total of 19 doctoral theses. He has served as the principal researcher on several national and international projects and is a member of the editorial board of various journals.

Professor at the Department of Language and Communication and the Centre for Language Studies at Radboud University, Nijmegen (The Netherlands).
Research group: Language Learning Teaching and Testing
He started his career as researcher at SCO Kohnstamm Institute for Educational Research (University of Amsterdam) and then worked as associate professor of General Linguistics of this same university.
He teaches and has taught courses on literacy, language assessment, psycholinguistics, general linguistics, and research methodology. His research interests concern (psycholinguistic) aspects of language proficiency, both language comprehension and production, in first, second and foreign language, and also the assessment of language proficiency and research methodology. He has published in various educational and (applied) linguistic journals, has been associate editor of Language Learning, and member of several (editorial) boards, including the International Language Testing Association, and Journal of Second Language Writing and Languages. Currently, he is involved in a national assessment of writing proficiency in Dutch secondary education.
He teaches and has taught courses on literacy, language assessment, psycholinguistics, general linguistics, and research methodology. His research interests concern (psycholinguistic) aspects of language proficiency, both language comprehension and production, in first, second and foreign language, and also the assessment of language proficiency and research methodology. He has published in various educational and (applied) linguistic journals, has been associate editor of Language Learning, and member of several (editorial) boards, including the International Language Testing Association, and Journal of Second Language Writing and Languages. Currently, he is involved in a national assessment of writing proficiency in Dutch secondary education.
Full Professor in the Department of English Philology at the University of Alicante. Doctor in Translation.
Research groups: Member of the group on Professional and Academic English (IPA) and the Laboratory of Computational Linguistics.
Her main research areas focus on the transfer of knowledge regarding terminology, translation, and applied linguistics.